Joseph Karr O’Connor

Joseph Karr O’Connor (@AccessibleJoe) lives in Santa Monica, CA. Since 1999 when Section 508 came into effect he led teams doing accessible web production on and on Joe has been using WordPress in support of non-profits, research and university news since 2005. In 2012 he organized the Los Angeles Accessibility and Inclusive Design Group.

Now leading Cities, a world-wide effort to build free accessible WordPress themes, Joe also contributes to Make WordPress Accessible and asks you to get involved. Joe presented “Cities: Making Accessible WordPress Themes” on February 28, 2013 at the 28th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, in San Diego, CA.

About SierraTR

I was born in the state of Kansas in the United States and grew up in a small town west of Chicago, Illinois. I graduated from the USAF Academy in Colorado and spend 20 years in the US Air Force as a pilot and aeronautical engineer. After retirement I was hired by a major airline and flew internationally for 22 years until reaching the airline pilot mandatory retirement age. I currently live in Reno, Nevada, USA with my wife and two dogs and am active in several Northern Nevada aviation organizations.
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